Every marketing firm will tell you they will manage your media budget to get the max return on dollars spent. What most don’t tell you is that they’re managing your cash to maximize what THEY take home, not maximize what new business walks into your doors or calls you up.
At Arnesen Marketing, we share your passion for getting the highest return on media investment and we treat your bottom line like our own. We take the time to learn how you provide unique value to your customers, and then use the correct media outlets to convey this to your audience. There is no one-size-fits-all media prescription given by Arnesen Marketing. Every customer’s unique product mix will derive maximum benefit from a unique industry publication strategy.
Our media relationships go back to the mid-1980s and we have been continually placing customer content with industry publications for four decades since then. Nobody knows metalworking and industrial media like Arnesen Marketing, and we get the best placements and treatments because we have solid, respectful relationships!